
Too many of us forget that we are the writer of our own daily headlines. I’m not saying it’s easy. We’re surrounded by distracting noise, negativity, and speculation.

The media has figured out the way to get our engagement is to present something that scares us or enrages us. Our brains and the media are similar. They both have a negativity bias and do a lot of speculation on what is wrong and what could go wrong.

But at the end of the day someone has to decide what the front-page headline will be. In some organizations, it’s the news director; in others it might be the webmaster.

In your life, it’s got to be you. If not you, then who?

Yes, other things will happen. Setbacks will occur. Other people will try to push their agenda or emergencies onto your front page. But most of these are not worthy. They belong several pages back.

Your morning shower thoughts are crucial. You’ve got to think of something that inspires you and uplifts you, or highlights the best versions of yourself.

It took me a long time to understand that I don’t get what I want, I get what I give energy to. To understand what I think I become; what I feel I attract; and what I imagine I create.

When you’re deciding on your headline, make sure you don’t give your energy towards what you don’t want. Ask yourself, “How do I want to feel? Then, “What would that look like?”  Keep your vision and imagination on that and don’t allow anything else to replace it.

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