
Many people are frustrated with what is going on in our country nowadays. There’s something to be said for being a voice of resistance and fighting for change.

I think it’s even more important to not waste time and energy on things you cannot influence or change. With the 24/7 access we have to news, too many people are getting addicted to giving it energy and being outraged over it. Honestly, how do you feel when you get caught up in it and are complaining about it to others? Does it help? Does it change the situation? What does it do to your health and peace of mind? Do you have a hard time putting the phone down and stopping reading about the news?

We’ve got to do a better job taking care of ourselves. We need to remind ourselves that we’re in charge of our headspace. And be very selective about who or what you give rent to inside of your head. These people and situations that frustrate you are not worthy of having a place in your head. We need to fill those spaces up with what we’re grateful about, along with the people and the small events that we appreciated daily.

To reduce frustration, write someone a letter that you don’t intend to send. Get it all out. Then write the response that you would hope you’d get back, which could be an acknowledgement or apology. Or go to the dollar store and pick up some glasses and a sharpie. Write the names of people or situations that frustrate you. It can be soothing to throw or smash the glasses into a recycling bin.

But by all means, we’ve got to limit the amount of time spent on news websites and social media, setting specific times of the day for checking updates. Then that’s it. Unless there is a fire.

Yes, it is healthy to channel our energy towards areas where you can make a tangible difference, like engaging in local community initiatives, and advocating for causes you are passionate.

Just set a limit on it.

Practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga. Schedule  spending time in nature, engaging in hobbies, and connecting with loved ones. Life is short.

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