
Workshops- some of the most popular ones we do. Others are available upon request.

Stress to Gratitude

Now more than ever, we need practical techniques on how to stay focused and  not make things any worse than they already are. We also have to focus on what we can control and ask ourselves, “What can I do that’s under my control to make things better?”

Mental Toughness

This workshop or keynote presentation offers a step-by-step process for tapping into the power of our minds to program ourselves for success and peak performance. What’s going on in the mind is the number one indicator of what the output will be.

Assertive and Professional Communication Skills

Life gets easier and you live with less resentment when you can speak up for yourself in an assertive and professional way. Saying the right thing, in the right place, at the right time, and in the right way is an indispensable career skill that is sorely needed.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Essential training for today’s collaborative, team-oriented workplace. Conflict can have a devastating effect on productivity, morale, teamwork and ultimately your organization’s bottom line. When handled the right way, conflict can energize, produce change, and bring together opposing parties.

Team Building Training

Put the participants in situations where they are forced to interact with each other. Obtain a shared commitment of the big picture of why the employees are all there (ex.-to serve the customers, etc). Get everyone on the same page and realizing his or her individual success is determined by group effort.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Critical thinking is the mental process of discovery, analysis, and evaluation. It involves reflective judgment that considers evidence, context, completeness, and relevance of information, biases, and emotional issues. This course provides practical and effective ways to think and problem solve using these skills.

Change Management

Change is a inevitable part of life and realistically we only have two choices when it comes to dealing with change: fight it and let fear keep us stuck in the status quo; or embrace it and view it as not only exciting, but what makes life worth living.

Time Management

Packed with practical, proven tips this program will help participants become high-output achievers by reclaiming the big chunks of valuable time they are losing to people, events and wasteful habits. They will learn to set clear, measurable and specific goals and priorities.

Time Management for Leaders

This program teaches managers and senior level executives to become more effective through efficient delegation and spending their time and energy on the right things, that will move them towards their future goals along with stopping micromanaging.

Project Management

This course is a practical, case study-based approach to managing projects that focuses on the principles of project management. It provides practical examples of project planning concepts of scope, budget, schedule development, risk, quality, and change control.

Dealing With Difficult People

This is an inevitable part of life, but staff members can waste much of their time and energy fretting over their colleague’s attitudes and behavior. This course offers practical strategies to minimize the negative impact that difficult people have on workplace success.

Emotional Intelligence

This is a set of competencies that enhance everyone’s ability to relate positively to others in the workplace. People with high emotional intelligence are adept at using empathy, constructive communication, and human relations skills to create a collaborative and cooperative work environment.

Management to Leadership

Management- to direct or control an action. Leadership- to bring a person to a place. Get the essential skills to lead your employees to a place of believing in the company, your leadership, and wanting not only to do the work- but wanting to work there and for you.

Managing Remote Workers

How to keep your off-site employees energized, productive, and fully integrated into the team and create a virtual culture of collaboration and camaraderie. The human side of management has always been challenging, this session teaches how to adjust your approach to the virtual world.

Management Coaching Skills

This workshop helps to develop effective coaching and counseling skills that improve employee and workplace performance. Attendees will be more effective in using feedback to change employee behavior and asking the right questions to discover what is really going on with their staff.

The Corporate Athlete

We’re not judged by physical abilities, but how much information we can process and quality decisions we can make. It’s not just about business acumen, it’s about managing our biology- specifically our brains since that’s what we’re using. But what do we do to train our brains? This session begins the journey.

Executive Coaching

One-on-one sessions are highly effective to break through barriers of resistance, and this interactive process helps individuals develop more rapidly and produce more satisfying results. We take an honest look at how personal characteristics impact decision-making, relating to others, and all other executive functions.

Overcome Workplace Negativity

Negativity and poor morale can easily impede productivity and the bottom line. The session is practical advice on dealing with negativity to include: how to spot and fix negative attitudes before they fester or spread, methods to hold others accountable for it, and transforming negativity into optimism.

Buzz Bowl Game Show

This parody of Jeopardy® is a team-building session with competition, camaraderie and pressure, with up to 4 teams of up to 6 members each, all with their own buzzer. It’s highly effective at boosting retention, teamwork, and a positive and fun working environment.

Customer Service

This session builds a solid foundation of skills which impact the customer’s perception of your organization. Including handling difficult customers, making every customer interaction a productive experience, and offering a positive alternative to every customer request.

Powerful Presentation Skills

Whether the goal is to make sales, develop rapport with customers, or persuade an audience, the ability to present your ideas in a confident manner is essential to career success. This session is designed to help communicate with more composure, confidence, and in a more compelling manner.

Business Writing

This session helps participants write better – and write right. Its approach is practical, and focuses on the ability to write clearly and concisely in today’s business and professional environment. It provides effective tools for writing and gives a process-oriented approach to business writing under tight deadlines.

Speed Reading

Participants learn the tools and techniques to double and even triple their current reading speed. The current rate is measured and they learn to improve reading speed while increasing how much information is retained at the same time. No gimmicks, no machines. Simple solutions for today’s fast paced information-driven environment.

Message Right

Learn how to take control of your messages, emails, texts and social media and grasp why messaging is so addictive and what it’s costing you. Session includes managing other’s expectations of your accessibility, creating new boundaries and limits with messages, and understanding they may need to checked frequently but not constantly.
We can customize any workshop, seminar series or presentation to fit your needs Contact Us